The Preliminary TRALE Page

The grammar implementation platform TRALE came to life in the final phase of the Tübingen HPSG projects of the SFB 340. In the context of the SFB 340, the first incarnation of TRALE was used for the implementation of a fragment of German which was chosen for its linguistic properties.

The MiLCA project Grammar Formalisms and Parsing chose TRALE as the grammar implementation platform in a web-based course on linguistic theory, the logical foundations of constraint-based grammar, grammar implementation, and parsing. Due to the educational goals of the project, TRALE development within MiLCA emphasized the development of TRALE from research software for a highly specialized user group of scientists to a user friendly grammar implementation environment for students. However, to the extent feasible in this setting, there was also an effort made to prepare the TRALE system for parsing large grammars. The complete TRALE system includes an on-line User's Manual, program documentation in an on-line Reference Manual, and documented source code.

Publications on the mathematical and computational background of TRALE, its use for grammar development and its role in the MiLCA course Grammar Formalisms and Parsing are available on the web pages of the MiLCA project A4.

TRALE itself is currently available from a TRALE Download Page used in Grammar Formalisms and Parsing. For users without Linux and/or SICStus Prolog, Stefan Müller's Grammix provides a good work-around.

Frank Richter