XML Files

The distribution format of all GermaNet data is XML. The XML files represent all data that is available in the GermaNet database. There are two types of XML files. One type represents all synsets with their lexical units and their other properties. The other type represents all relations, both conceptual and lexical relations.

Synset Files

These files are organized around the three word categories currently considered in GermanNet: nouns, adjectives, and verbs. For each word category a predefined set of files exists which elements are named according to the table of semantic fields in GermaNet and WordNet® (for comparison with corresponding table of Tops in WordNet®). Thus, these files are named wordCategory.wordClass.xml, e.g. adj.Allgemein.xml, nomen.Tops.xml, etc.

The synset files contain all synsets with their lexical units and all other properties, as the following example shows:

<synset id="ID" wordCategory="CATEGORY">
  <lexUnit id="ID"  orthVarOf="VAR" acceptable="ACC"
          sense="SE" source="SRC" namedEntity="NE"
          artificial="AR" styleMarking="SM">

Document Type Definition (DTD) for Synset Files

<!ELEMENT synsets (synset+)>
<!ELEMENT synset  (lexUnit+, paraphrase?)>
                  category (adj|nomen|verben) #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT lexUnit (orthForm, orthVar?, oldOrthForm?,
                         oldOrthVar?, frame*, example*)>
<!ATTLIST lexUnit id           ID       #REQUIRED
                  sense        CDATA    #REQUIRED
                  source       CDATA    #REQUIRED
                  namedEntity  (yes|no) #REQUIRED
                  artificial   (yes|no) #REQUIRED
                  styleMarking (yes|no) #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT orthForm    (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT orthVar     (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT oldOrthForm (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT oldOrthVar  (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT paraphrase  (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT example     (text, exframe?)>
<!ELEMENT text        (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT frame       (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT exframe     (#PCDATA)>

Changes from GermaNet version 5.1 to 5.2 on the XML synset files

  • Ids start now with the letter l (for lexical units) or s (for synset) followed by an unique number that stays consistent between different versions of GermaNet.

  • There are several attributes renamed:
    new attribute nameold corresponding name

  • The attribute orthVar (a reference to another lexUnit) from version 5.1 was replaced by three new elements orthVar, oldOrthForm, and oldOrthVar (no references, but orthographic variants themselves) in version 5.2.

  • All German attribute values "ja|nein" (in namedEntity, artificial, and styleMarking) are changed to "yes|no".

  • The elements "frame" and "example" are children of their lexUnit and not the synset anymore.

Relation File

This type of XML file represents both kinds of relations: conceptual and lexical relations. All relations are encoded within one XML file, which is named gn_relations.xml.

<con_rel name="hyperonymy" from="ID" to="ID"
                          dir="revert" inv="hyponymy" />
<lex_rel name="antonymy" from="ID" to="ID" dir="both" />

Document Type Definition (DTD) for Relation File

<!ELEMENT relations (lex_rel|con_rel)+>
<!ELEMENT lex_rel EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST lex_rel name (antonymy|pertonymy) #REQUIRED
                  dir  (one|both|revert) #REQUIRED
                  inv  CDATA #IMPLIED
                  from CDATA #REQUIRED
                  to   CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT con_rel EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST con_rel name (hyperonymy|meronymy|holonymy
        |entailment|causation|association) #REQUIRED
                  dir  (one|both|revert) #REQUIRED
                  inv  CDATA #IMPLIED
                  from CDATA #REQUIRED
                  to   CDATA #REQUIRED>

Interlingual Index File

All Interlingual Index data is stored in a single file interLingualIndex_DE-EN.xml. Each record is linked to a specific lexical unit, and contains information from the Princeton WordNet.

<iliRecord lexUnitId="ID" ewnRelation="RELATION"
          pwnWord="WORD" pwn20Sense="SENSE"
          pwn20Id="ID" pwn30Id="ID"
          pwn20paraphrase="PARAPHRASE" source="SOURCE" >

Document Type Definition (DTD) for Interlingual Index File

<!ELEMENT interLingualIndex (iliRecord+)>
<!ELEMENT iliRecord (pwn20Synonyms?)>
<!ATTLIST iliRecord lexUnitId   CDATA #REQUIRED
                    ewnRelation (be_in_state|causes
                        |xpos_near_synonym) #REQUIRED
                    pwnWord     CDATA #REQUIRED
                    pwn20Sense  CDATA #REQUIRED
                    pwn20Id     CDATA #REQUIRED
                    pwn30Id     CDATA #REQUIRED
                    pwn20paraphrase CDATA #IMPLIED
                    source (initial|extension1) #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT pwn20Synonyms (pwn20Synonym+)>
<!ELEMENT pwn20Synonym  (#PCDATA)>

Wiktionary Paraphrases Files

There's a total of three files containing Wiktionary paraphrases, containing words of different word categories (nouns, verbs, and adjectives). These files are named in the following manner: wiktionaryParaphrases-adj.xml.

<wiktionaryParaphrase lexUnitId="ID" wiktionaryId="ID" 
      wiktionarySenseId="ID" wiktionarySense="PARAPHRASE"
      edited="EDITED" />

Each WiktionaryParaphrase, which has an identifier referring to the word in Wiktionary (wiktionaryId), a sense number (wiktionarySenseId), and a definition (wiktionarySense), is linked to a specific lexical unit in GermaNet (lexUnitId). The edited attribute specifies whether this specific Wiktionary definition is still in its original wording extracted from Wiktionary or if it was (slighly) modified.

Document Type Definition (DTD) for Wiktionary Paraphrases Files

<!ELEMENT wiktionaryParaphrases (wiktionaryParaphrase+)>
<!ELEMENT wiktionaryParaphrase EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST wiktionaryParaphrase
                   lexUnitId         CDATA #REQUIRED
                   wiktionaryId      CDATA #REQUIRED
                   wiktionarySenseId CDATA #REQUIRED
                   wiktionarySense   CDATA #REQUIRED
                   edited            (yes|no) #REQUIRED>