Clippers: A computational linguistics discussion group (Meurers, 795Y, Winter 2005)

Clippers is our forum for informal discussion of all issues related to computational linguistics: from work in progress of visitors and people in the department, over presentation of new papers, to practical concerns such as hints on the use of CL related software tools.

Everyone with an interest in computational linguistics is most welcome!

To see what happened in previous quarters of Clippers, you can check out the pages of some previous quarters: Autumn 04, Spring 04, Winter 04, Autumn 03, Spring 03, Winter 03, Autumn 02, Spring 02, Autumn 01

When and where:Tuesdays at 1730-1848 in 340 Central Classrooms.

Important: Please be sure to subscribe to our local computational linguistics mailing list on which all Clippers sessions and talks are announced.

The plan, as usual, is to start each session with 5-10 minutes on whatever someone wants to bring up and then to continue with the following topics:

  1. Tue, 4. Jan.: Organization
  2. Tue, 11. Jan.: no meeting, in support of ACL paper writing ;-)
  3. Tue, 18. Jan.: no meeting
  4. Tue, 25. Jan.: Laura Stoia on Populating Semantic Classes using Large Scale Corpora
  5. Tue, 1. Feb.: Markus Dickinson and Detmar Meurers on Detecting errors in discontinuous structural corpus annotation
  6. Tue, 8. Feb.: Tianfang Xu on Finding Landmarks
  7. Tue, 15. Feb.: Yang Shao and Soundararajan Srinivasan on On building large-vocabulary speech recognition systems

  8. Tue, 22. Feb.: Mona Diab (Computational Linguistics Center for Computational Learning Systems (CCLS), Columbia University) on Bootstrapping an Arabic WordNet: Issues of scale and representation

    NOTE the unusual time and place: 3:30 in 122 Oxley Hall

  9. Tue, 1. Mar.: Wilbert Heeringa (University of Groningen) on Measuring Norwegian Dialect Distances using Word Pronunciation Transcriptions and Acoustic Word Samples

  10. Tue, 8. Mar.:

Last modified: Mon Jan 3 22:44:57 EST 2005 - For questions or comments regarding this page, please contact: Detmar Meurers