ESSLLI'2002 Workshop on
Machine Learning Approaches in Computational Linguistics

Instructions for authors

Camera-ready final versions of the papers not exceeding 20 pages in length (including references and figures) should be submitted electronically to as attached (gzipped) Postscript files. If you are unable to produce Postscript, please contact Sandra Kübler to discuss other possibilities.

Please use the following specification in preparing your submission:

In LaTeX, use the following specification:



Submissions must be received by May 15th. Please note that due to the tight schedule of the summer school there can be no exceptions to this deadline.

Further information

All information concerning this workshop is made available at:
To obtain further information about ESSLLI'2002 please visit

In case of problems or for comments, please contact: ( Last modified: Mon Apr 15 20:06:47 MET DST 2002 )