Selected Publications Marisa Köllner


Marisa Köllner: Automatic Loanword Identification Using Tree Reconciliation. Diss. University of Tübingen, 2021.


Marisa Köllner und Johannes Dellert: Ancestral state reconstruction and loanword detection. In Bentz, Christian, Jäger, Gerhard & Yanovich, Igor (eds.) (2016). Proceedings of the Leiden Workshop on Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms for Linguistics. University of Tübingen, online publication system, .

Marisa Köllner und Ramon Ziai eds.: Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2018 Student Session


Johannes Wahle, Marisa Köllner, Harald Baayen, Gerhard Jäger, and Tineke Baayen-Oudshoorn eds.: Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics.


Marisa Delz: Mismatches between phylogentic trees in Historical Linguistics. Master thesis, University of Tübingen, April 2014.

Marisa Delz and Johannes Wahle : Four for one - Four different Studies Resulting in one concept called Multiple-Network-Population. In McCrohon, L., Thompson, B., Verhoef, T., and Yamauchi, H. (2014) The Past, Present and Future of Language Evolution Research: Student volume following the 9th International Conference on the Evolution of Language. Tokyo: EvoLang9 Organizing Committee, pages 75-82, Tokyo, 2014.


Marisa Delz: A theoretical approach to automatic loanword detection. Master thesis, University of Tübingen, September 2013.


Marisa Delz, Benjamin Layer, Sarah Schulz, and Johannes Wahle: Overgeneralization of verbs - the change of the german verb system. In Thomas C. Scott-Phillips, Mónica Tamariz, Erica A. Cartmill, and James R. Hurford, editors, The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of 9th International Conference (EvoLang9), pages 96-103, Singapore, 2012. Wordl Scientific.

Marisa Delz, Benjamin Layer, Sarah Schulz, and Johannes Wahle: Simulating language history. In Pre-Proceedings of the International Conference Linguistic Evidence 2012, pages 187-190, Tübingen, 2012.