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Extended Bibliography

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  • Eric Akkerman, Hetty Voog-van Zutphen, and Willem Meijs. A Computerized Lexicon for Word-Level Tagging. ASCOT Report 2. Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics. No 1. Edited by Jan Aarts and Willem Meijs. Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1988.

  • Eric Akkerman. An independent analysis of the ldoce grammar coding system. In B. Boguraev and T. Briscoe, editors, Computational Lexicography for Natural Language Processing, pages 65-81. Longman, London, 1989.

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  • John Bateman. Ontology Construction and Natural Language. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Formal Ontology in Conceptual Analysis and Knowledge Representation, Padova, 1993.

  • Daniel Bauer and Fr'ed'erique Segond andAnnie Zaenen. LOCOLEX --- the translation rolls off your tongue. In Proceedings of the ACH/ALLC Conference, San Diego, 1995.

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  • P. Brown, S. Della Pietra, V. Della Pietra, and Robert Mercer. A statistical approach to sense disambiguation in machine translation. In Fourth DARPA Workshop on Speech and Natural Language, Pacific Grove, CA, 1991.

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  • Christopher S. Butler, editor. Computers and Written Texts. Applied Language Studies. Blackwell, Oxfod, UK and Cambridge USA, 1992.

  • Eleni Butulussi. Studien zur Valenz kognitiver Verben im Deutschen und Neugriechischen. Tübingen, Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1991.

  • R. J. Byrd, M. S. Chodorow, and et al. Tools and methods for computational lexikology. Journal of Computational Linguistics, 13(3-4):219-240, 1987.

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