Dear Visitor,

This is an attempt to compile and categorize contemporary and past research on automatic readability assessment in various languages. This list is by no means exhaustive and please contact me if you feel something is missing here. Usually most of these papers can be found if you search by their titles on any decent search engine. If you cannot (and if you have the patience), please let me know.

Here is another bibliography on the same topic, prepared by Thomas François.

For my bibliography on Text Simplification, visit this page.

Note: These are only those papers that were written in English. In the case of papers written in English but on readability assessment for other languages, I have indicated the language in brackets at the end of the reference. Some languages referred are: Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, German, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Thai, Turkish.


Early research (1940s to early 2000s)

More recent formula based and other non-learning approaches, User studies

Corpora creation

Statistical and Machine learning approaches